Survey: 1 in 12 U.S. workers using illicit drugs
One in 12 full-time workers in the United States acknowledges having used illegal drugs in the past month, the government reports.
Most of the illicit drug use by survey respondents involved marijuana, an official said.
Most of those who report using illicit drugs are employed full-time, with the highest rates among restaurant workers, 17.4 percent, and construction workers, 15.1 percent, according to a federal study being released Monday. About 4 percent of teachers and social service workers reported using illegal drugs in the past month, which was among the lowest rates.
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Labels: Health and Fitness
my comment is that there is a better way to get ride of your promble! By going to church asking GOD forgiveness and ask him for help and that you need him in life so he can point you in the right way. If you like we can say a prayer to gather say this GOD FOR GIE ME FOR WHAT I'VE DONE I ASK TO HELP ME ABETTER PERSON I THANK YOU FOR DIEING ON THE CROSS FOR ME . THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY JUST BELIVE IT WITH YOUR HEART =)
just do what ya wanna Do YEWWWWWWWW
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